Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Basketball Hoops
Posted by Anak Halal at 12/24/2008 04:35:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Basketball Hoops
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Basketball Equipment
Basketball Equipment to Help Improve Your Skills with Both Hands
The most effective basketball player is the one who can go to either side of the court and lose their defender on the way. Whether dribbling, passing, or shooting, having the equal use of both hands will give you an edge on your competition. When I was a kid, my Dad taught me how to shoot a layup with my left hand by tying a string from my left wrist to my left knee. By shooting the layup with my left hand, my left leg was forced to rise off the ground. To tech players today how to use both hands, there are far more advanced versions of this important basketball practice equipment. If you want to teach your kids or players how to be ambidextrous on the floor, take a look at the many pieces of equipment designed to accomplish just that.Basketball Training Equipment that Will Make the Difference
Too many training regimens don't provide you with a real return for your time and effort. For basketball training, this is for too often the case. The effectiveness of your training is grounded in good planning and better equipment. Basketball training equipment such as stretch bands for passing exercises can age over time. Since the best training equipment doesn't change too often, it is important to get the equipment that will last through several seasons. Quality training equipment will make the difference in your game.Advantages of Portable Basketball Equipment
I can still remember pouring the concrete as my Dad and I put in my first basketball hoop; it took us all day. Recently, I recalled this when I was pouring water into the new portable basketball hoop I got for my son; it took us 25 minutes. Portable basketball equipment today is more than just a convenience. It has helped the game grow through providing the ability for children anywhere to learn the game of basketball. Not every kid has a park with a hoop they can shoot on, or a driveway they can get their father to dig up and plant a big metal pole in. The new portable basketball equipment is less expensive and easier to maintain than previous equipment. These are only a few of the many advantages of portable basketball equipment.Choosing the Right Basketball Equipment
When choosing your basketball equipment, think about your needs. Are you looking for a hoop for your driveway? Do you need coaching equipment for a whole team? There are many stores and merchants who specialize in basketball equipment and supplies. Determine what your goals are and then shop around. If you need equipment for outdoor play, you will want basketball equipment that will weather better. For indoor play, wear and tear is not as much of a concern. Choosing the right basketball equipment is just a matter of figuring out your needs.A Short Checklist of Basketball Coaches Equipment
Here are a few basketball coaching equipment essentials for any new coaches out there looking to make an impact. First, get yourself a good whistle… and use it. Conditioning is key with a basketball team and whistles start windsprints like a pistol at a track and field meet. Next, get a large markerboard. In basketball, a coach can get their visions across much easier by diagramming rather than verbally explaining. Finally, be sure to surround yourself with good assistant coaches. We cannot all be Norman Dale from Hoosiers, and even he needed 'Shooter'.Source from :
Posted by Anak Halal at 12/02/2008 12:41:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Basketball Equipment
Basketball Rebounding
Watching the Ball In the Air
Most Important Rebounding Principle
Moving Toward a Rebound
Fronting and Keeping Players Out of the Lane
Rebound and Grab the Ball
Learning the Rebound-Ready Position
Every missed shot is a pass to you!
The Outlet Pass
Hands Up
Want the Ball
Boxing Out & Rebound
Attitude and Desire
Make up your mind that you want to rebound, go after each and every one, and master box out techniques, and you can provide your team with a valuable asset--a dependable rebounder.
Watch your position
Offensive Rebounding
The "Perfect Rebound"
Most rebounds (90%) are caught below the rim. Try and think out what a perfect rebound is...
The perfect rebound is the one where everyone of your teammates and yourself box out their man so well that the rebound can be easily caught AFTER it has hit the floor.
When one thinks about this "perfect rebound" concept the team blockouts get better and better.
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Posted by Anak Halal at 12/02/2008 12:33:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Rebounding
Basketball Guards
Advance the ball
Shoot the 3
Lead in practice
Outlet pass
Keep your teamates involved
Make something from nothing
The shooting guard is often called upon to get the team a quality shot when their offense has broken down. In other words, when a play has not worked, or the opposing team's defense has thrown a team out of sync, the shooting guard must step up and be able to create something out of nothing.
Pressure the ball
Talk on defense
See the floor
Team philosophy
In the Open Floor
What is a Shooting Guard
Know your scorers
Open Shot
Court Vision
Defensive Position
Stop dribble penetration
Many Tasks
Why Dribble?
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Posted by Anak Halal at 12/02/2008 12:21:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball Guards
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The 17-Sprint Drill
For the 17-sprint drill, you begin on the sideline and sprint to the opposite sideline. You repeat the drill for a total of 17 sprints. Across and back equals two sprints, so you will finish on the opposite side where you started. After you rest for two to three minutes, you perform another set of 17 sprints.The Wall Run
The wall run is a great way to condition for basketball. Begin with your arms straight out against a wall. Drive your knees up as high as possible with good forward body lean. When doing this drill, drive your knees up as fast as possible staying on your toes. Perform the drill in 15 to 30 second intervals. Work for 15 seconds and rest for 30 seconds for 10 repetitions.The Four-Corner Drill
The goal of the four-corner drill is to perform it in the shortest amount of time possible. Start in one corner of the court and sprint to the opposite baseline. Now, slide as you would when you are on defense against another player to the corner. Back pedal to the starting baseline and finish by sliding across the starting baseline. Do not cross your feet when you slide. Be sure you are facing down court during the entire drill. Recover for 90 seconds between repetitions.The Opposite Hand Layup
The goal of the opposite hand layup is to cross the lane diagonally from one corner of the freethrow line as many times as possible in 60 seconds. Starting from beyond one corner of the freethrow line, dribble diagonally across the lane and perform layups with your dominate hand. Dribble back to the starting position with your dominant hand. Recover for 90 seconds between repetitions.The Shooting W
You will need a rebounder for the shooting W drill. Begin by shooting a jumpshot at either elbow off the lane and sprint to either half court corner. Sprint back to the free throw circle or top of the key for another jumpshot. Then sprint to the midcourt circle and back to the key and repeat another jumpshot in the free throw circle. After the second shot, sprint to the opposite half court corner and back for a third jumpshot at the free throw circle or top of the key. If you miss a shot, grab the rebound for a short follow shot. If you make the shot, your rebounder will rebound the ball. Three shots equal one set. Work up to three to five shots. Shoot three to five freethrows and repeat the drill.The 300-Yard Shuffle
The 300-yard shuffle is based on the distance of a regulation basketball court. You begin by starting behind the baseline and sprint to the opposite freethrow line. Touch the freethrow line with your foot and sprint back to the baseline. A total of six trips up and back completes 300 yards. Rest for five minutes and repeat the drill.The 55-Second Drill
You will need a passer for the 55-second drill. Starting on the right wing, shoot as many shots as possible in 55 seconds off of a pass. You must move seven to 10 feet side to side after each shot. At 55 seconds, shoot five to 10 freethrows and move to the center area of the court. Repeat the process and then move to the left wing area of the court. Repeat the drill again.The Four-Step Drill
The four-step drill involves running across the court from sideline to sideline. Start on one sideline and sprint to the other side and back for a total of four sprints. (Going up and back equals two sprints). You should complete this in 15 seconds or less. Rest 30 seconds and then get ready for the second sprint - four times down and back for total of eight sprints. You should complete this in 30 seconds or less. You rest 60 seconds and then get ready for the third set, eight times down and back for a total of 16 sprints. Complete this last set in 60 seconds or less.Gassers
The gassers drill involves acceleration, deceleration and change of direction. Start on one baseline, sprint to the nearest freethrow line and back. Sprint to the half court and back, sprint to the far free throw line and back, and finally to the far baseline and back. At the end of each sprint, your foot must touch the line before you turn and sprint to the next line. Running time should be 30 seconds or less with 90 seconds of recovery time between repetitions.The Crosscourt Sprint and Shoot Drill
You will need a passer for the crosscourt sprint and shoot drill. Begin by shooting a jumpshot at the top of the key and then sprint to either side of the court. Now sprint back to the top of the key or elbow to receive a pass and shoot jumpshot. After your jumpshot, sprint to the closest sideline. Now sprint to the opposite sideline and back to the key or elbow to shoot again. Continue the pattern, adding an extra sideline run before the jumpshot each time through until you are crossing the court a total of five times. Finish the drill by shooting five to 10 freethrows. Repeat the sequence two or three times.Line Jumps
Stand beside any line on the floor. With your feet together, jump forward and backwards over the line, then sideways back and forth (two separate exercises). Repeat for thirty seconds, counting the number of times that you return to the starting point. Try to better yourself every day.Jump Rope
One of the most important pieces of equipment a basketball player can possess is a jump rope. Daily use of a jump rope will develop stamina, leg strength, agilty and coordination, timing, quickness, and hand-eye coordination. All of these are extremely important to becoming a good ball player.Bench Jumping
Either face a bench that is about one and a half feet high or stand beside it. You can either jump over and back or sideways. Feet should be kept together. Go for thirty seconds and count the number of times that you return to the starting point. Attempt to increase the number every day.Finish on a positive note
if the last thing that players do at practice before they hit the locker room and go home is something that they do not enjoy (or even dislike!), that is what they will be talking about until the next practice comes around. A negative atmosphere may be brewing, without even knowing it. A much better method is to end practice on a positive note, and have everyone looking forward to getting back to work at the next practice.Posted by Anak Halal at 11/12/2008 10:24:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Basketball-Conditioning
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
ball stability
Heavy Workout Basketballs
Stability Ball Exercise
Swiss Balance Ball
Balance Ball Exercises
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Posted by Anak Halal at 10/14/2008 01:32:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: ball stability
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Around the World
Around the World: Circling the basketball first around your head, than your waist, Finally, put your legs together and take the ball around both legs at the knees. Then spread your legs, bend at the waist, and take the ball around one leg. Then the other. This will give you a feel for the basketball and help you become more comfortable in your ball handling. A good hand speed and coordination drill, also great conditioner for your armsFigure 8
Spread your legs, bend at the waist, put the ball through your legs, around one leg, back through your legs, and around your other leg, making a figure eight. This will help you get a feel for the basketball as you move it around. Keep your head up not looking at the ball and increase your speed.Crab Walk
This drill can go from baseline to half court. Step forward with your left leg and pass the ball from your right hand to your left under your left leg. As you take your next step with your right leg, pass the ball from your left hand to your right under your right leg. Continue this pattern all the way down the floor.Squeeze the banana
This is a drill that helps increase the strength in your fingers. Hold the ball in front of you at eye level with two hands. By squeezing your fingers and thumb together with one hand at a time, you move the ball from one hand to the other as quickly as you can.More finger and arm strength will imrove your ball control.
This is a drill to work on your ballhandling. Hold the ball between your legs, with both hands on the ball, right hand in front and left hand in back. Quickly switch your hands,(now left hand in front and right hand in the back), without letting the ball touch the ground. Do as quickly as possible...this drill is one of the hardest to master... but it just takes lots of practice.Figure 8 Dribbling
This is a drill to practice your ballhandling. Dribble the ball as quickly as possible in a figure 8 through and around the legs. Use the fingers when you dribble, and dribble very low and quickly. Switch from the right to the left and back to the right. Example: start with the right hand dribbling the ball in front and then dribble through your legs with your right hand, switch to your left hand and dribble from the back, around your left side to the front and back through you legs... then switch to your right hand behind the body and around the right side. Try to go as fast as possible, and your dribbling skills will improve with daily practice.Touch-Touch-Touch
This is another ballhandling drill that seems very difficult at first, but with daily practice, will improve your handles. This drill is called touch-touch-touch because that is what you do... while keeping the ball between your legs, you touch the ball once with your right hand(fingers) in front, then with your left hand(fingers) in front, then with your right behind you, and then with your left behind you. Continue in this manner as fast as possible. Before long, you will master this skill.The Midas Touch
Having a soft touch is very desirable, and really just means that rather than clanging off the rim, your ball dribbles softly around the edge - due to your soft touch. To develop a soft touch, you want to have more rotation on the ball when you shoot and a higher arch to your ball.The Midas Touch
Having a soft touch is very desirable, and really just means that rather than clanging off the rim, your ball dribbles softly around the edge - due to your soft touch. To develop a soft touch, you want to have more rotation on the ball when you shoot and a higher arch to your ball.The Midas Touch
An undesirable trait is thinking too much, and it is due to being tentative. To overcome this tentativeness you want to make sure that when you don't have the ball you think about what you will do with it when you get it (for example - "If I'm open for the shot I will shoot it." etc). This prevents you from freezing up and "thinking too much" once you have the ball.Up the Ladder
Hold the ball out in front of you and pass it back from hand to hand using only your finger tips. Go from out in front of your waist to above your head and back. This will help you develop the finger tip control that you will need to properly handle the ball.One on two
A good drill to use to better your dribbling under pressure is to try to advance the ball against two defenders. This will force you to use a variety of manuevers while being alert to the defense.Figure Eight--Running in Place
Move the ball around your legs as in the Figure Eight Drill, but in addition, run in place.Pass and Catch
With 2 hands, make a bounce pass between your legs from front to back and catch the ball with 2 hands behind you. Then bounce the ball through your legs from the back to the front, and catch the ball in front of your body. This is a good drill for body awareness.Situp Dribble
While doing bent-knee situps, dribble up with your right hand as you sit up, and around your feet, then switch hands to your left as you go back down, and then dribble with your left hand as you sit up, back around your feet, switching back to your right hand. Continue as quickly as possible.Between the Legs Scissors
To start this basketball drill, place your left foot ahead of your right and bounce the ball between your legs from your right hand to your left. As the ball gets to your left hand shift your feet so that your right leg goes ahead of your left and bounce the ball back between your legs. This shifting of your feet will occur with every bounce.Figure Eight Drop
The ball is moved around the outside of the left legfrom the back to the front. Then it is passed in front of your body and around the outside of your right leg from front to back. Now the ball is between your legs at the back of your body. Bounce the ball, and as it is bouncing, reverse your hands, bring your right from the back to the front and your left from the front to the back. Catch the ball before it bounces again. Continue to do figure eights.Ball Circle
A great way to become comfortable with the basketball is to take it and circle it around your head, then around your waist, and, finally, around your knees. Reverse direction and take the ball back up--around the knees, waist, and head.Figure Eight Drop Reverse
For this drill, follow the procedure described in the Figure Eight Drop Drill, except that when you bounce the ball, your movement will be reversed. After the bounce, circle the ball around the outside of your right leg, in front of your left leg, and around your left leg from the front to the back.Posted by Anak Halal at 9/28/2008 11:36:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Author Intro Tips

While these might not be the 101 most important tips in the game of basketball, I hope that there is something for everyone. I've tried to provide some ideas that may not be mainstream, some might be presented in a different manner than usual, and a few that initially might not come to mind. Find some tips that fit your personality, coaching style or the kind of coach that you strive to be. Put those tips to use and make them your "new seasons resolution" . Otherwise, these 101 tips might be like the treadmill on my back porch. It was bought with good intentions and high expectations, but if I don't commit to using it...
Ray Lokar is the Southern California Coordinator for the Positive Coaching Alliance and serves as a Lead Trainer and Mentor Coach for PCA. He has coached in SoCal for over 25 years at the youth, high school, and college levels and developed a majority of the content for Coach Lokar was the Head Basketball Coach of the 2002 California Interscholastic Federation Champions while at
Posted by Anak Halal at 9/17/2008 01:25:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Author Intro Tips
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ankle Supports Tips
Athletic Ankle Support
Ankle Support
Ankle Braces and Support
Elbow and Knee Supports
Two Ways to Support Your Ankle
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Posted by Anak Halal at 9/10/2008 09:00:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ankle Supports Tips
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Cavaliers Sign Lorenzen Wright
CLEVELAND, OH - September 5th, 2008 - The Cleveland Cavaliers have signed veteran center Lorenzen Wright to a contract, Cavaliers General Manager Danny Ferry announced today. Per team and league policy, terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Wright, 32, played 13 games last season with the Atlanta Hawks and five games with the Sacramento Kings. The 6-foot-11, 255 pound center was drafted by the L.A. Clippers with the seventh overall pick in the 1996 NBA Draft and has played in 761 career games (445 starts) with averages of 8.1 points and 6.5 rebounds in 24.2 minutes per game.
“Lorenzen brings us valuable size and experience and adds depth to our front court,” Ferry said. “We think he’s a good fit for us and look forward to him joining our team.”
The 12-year veteran has appeared in 15 postseason games (11 starts) and averaged 7.7 points, 5.3 rebounds,1.1 assists and 24.2 minutes per game.
Source From :
Posted by Anak Halal at 9/06/2008 01:38:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Oklahoma City team nickname will be Thunder
Damien Wilkins, left, applauds as the name, logo and colors of Oklahoma City's NBA franchise are unveiled Wednesday. Wilkins is a player for the Oklahoma City Thunder, which moved from Seattle this summer.
OKLAHOMA CITY - Thunder can be heard from miles away, an early warning that a storm is about to arrive. So, perhaps it’s only fitting that the name of Oklahoma City’s NBA team didn’t sneak up on anyone.
Six weeks after the name first surfaced, team officials officially announced Wednesday that the team formerly known as the Seattle SuperSonics would be known as the Oklahoma City Thunder.
“It’s hard to keep a secret,” team chairman Clay Bennett said after stepping to a podium on the ground floor of the downtown office building where the team is headquartered.
The local ABC affiliate reported in mid-July that Thunder had been chosen as the nickname. Then the NBA Web site listed as a link to the Oklahoma City team’s page. Then the Orlando Magic’s site listed games against the Oklahoma City Thunder.
Even the logo and colors leaked out over the weekend. Then, prior to the 5 p.m. announcement, Thunder merchandise started showing up on the NBA’s online store.
“I thought it was great fun. Maybe I have a warped sense of things,” Bennett said. “I thought it was a lot of fun. I was disappointed in the image being released.”
That left Bennett somewhat surprised that hundreds of people still showed up in the atrium of Leadership Square, watched from their office windows or leaned over a second-floor walkway to hear it for sure.
“My family talked about wanting to come down, and I said, ‘Well, I don’t think it’s that big a deal. Everybody seems to know the name already,”’ Bennett said.
To unveil the logo, six children joined players Desmond Mason and Damien Wilkins to pull down a curtain as the AC/DC song “Thunderstruck” blared over the loudspeaker. What was revealed was a large blue banner with the logo in the middle, and splashes of yellow at the top and reddish-orange at the bottom.
Bennett said the light blue color coincides with the state flag to represent the inclusion of all Oklahomans, the yellow refers to the sun and the reddish-orange color to the sunset. With the University of Oklahoma featuring crimson as its primary color, and Oklahoma State using orange, Bennett said it was “not too red and not too orange.”
Thunder is a fitting moniker for the Oklahoma City franchise, not only as a reference to powerful storms in the area known as Tornado Alley. The Oklahoma City-based 45th Infantry Division carries Thunderbirds as its nickname, and that’s a reference to the state’s American Indian heritage. Even one of Oklahoma native Garth Brooks’ biggest hits was “The Thunder Rolls.”
“There’s just all kinds of good thunder images and thoughts, and the in-game experience of Thunder,” Bennett said. “Just here was a good sense of how that evokes emotion. It’s very powerful.”
The team name had been the most evident — and talked about — element missing after Bennett announced July 2 that the SuperSonics would be moving to Oklahoma City through an agreement that will have him pay the city of Seattle up to $75 million to settle a lawsuit.
Bennett said the uniforms and mascot won’t be unveiled for another few weeks, but T-shirts, basketballs and other Thunder merchandise went on sale immediately after the announcement.
“The guys in the jerseys, if they play, the jerseys are going to look real good,” coach P.J. Carlesimo said.
While the team applied for trademarks to six names — the others were Wind, Barons, Marshalls, Energy and Bison — Bennett said the decision on the name had been made “quite some time” ago. He said the names on the trademark applications weren’t finalists, and he wouldn’t reveal what other names got serious consideration.
General manager Sam Presti told the crowd designing a logo “takes an immense amount of work, and it does take some time.
“Not that anyone was really paying attention to the amount of time it was taking,” he quipped.
Team officials said they hope they can make the qualities of character, perseverance, selflessness, community and winning synonymous with Thunder.
“It’s very unique,” said Mason, a former Oklahoma State forward who the Thunder acquired in an offseason trade with Milwaukee. “It’s going to take some time getting used to, just like Utah Jazz or Orlando Magic, but I think it’s a great thing for the state and a great thing for the city.”
Posted by Anak Halal at 9/04/2008 01:46:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
James Improvises an MVP Performance in the Big Easy
capping his MVP performance.
Surrounded by an abundance of friends and family members, LeBron James was the center of attention at the postgame photo shoot following Sunday’s NBA All-Star Game.
After posing with the members of his inner circle for numerous serious pictures, James had a suggestion to liven up the room:
“Let’s do it again except for this time I want everybody to freestyle,” said James, who less than an hour earlier had the best improvisation of the night:
With the game tied and under a minute remaining, James stole an errant pass, dribbled up the sideline and crossed the first defender in his path, Amare Stoudemire, at the 3-point line before rising up to dunk in the face of defender No. 2, Dirk Nowitzki.
Besides bringing the New Orleans Arena crowd to its feet, the jam put the East in front to stay en route to a 134-128 victory.
“I didn’t want to settle for a jump shot,” said James, who was named the game’s MVP for the second time in three years. “I wanted to be aggressive and try to get to the hole to get the layup.
“When I saw those bigs coming, I didn’t want to lay the ball up because they would have definitely made a play and tried to block it. I was able to go strong and dunk it through.”
While James’ slam is the play that everybody will most remember from the game, it is not the only reason he received top player honors.
Like he has done all season, James showed the world why he is the league’s best all-around player, finishing with 27 points (12-for-22 shooting), handing out nine assists, grabbing eight rebounds, blocking two shots and making two steals.
He fell one assist and two rebounds short of the first All-Star Game triple-double since 1997.
“I just wanted to win the game,” James said. “They beat up on us pretty bad last year in Las Vegas and as the East, we didn’t want to allow that to happen again.”
While some All-Star Games are sloppy due to players trying to get too cute with the ball, this one had the feel of an intense regular-season game.
“This was the most competitive All-Star Game I’ve played in,” James said. “Guys really wanted to win the ballgame. As fans and everybody that watched the game, I think they would think the same thing.”
The West wiped out a 16-point deficit thanks to the play of hometown hero Chris Paul, who had 16 points, 14 assists and four steals.
The final five minutes of the game, during which the West rallied to take a slight lead only to get its heart broken, are probably getting shown on an instant classic channel right now.
Ray Allen helped set the stage for James’ late-game theatrics by draining three 3-pointers in the final 3:15 on the way to a game-high 28 points for the East.
“Ray hit some big shots,” James said. “Some of the biggest shots of the game and he kept it flowing. I put the finishing touch on it.”
James, who was also named MVP of the 2006 game, is the 11th player to win the award more than once.
“I mean to add the MVP trophy with the win means a lot to me,” James said. “I played well and I helped our team win. It means a lot to go out there and perform the way I was able to in front of the fans of New Orleans
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Posted by Anak Halal at 8/20/2008 10:08:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Spain's Rubio plays well beyond his years
Spanish point guard Ricky Rubio brings a calming influence to his team -- despite being just 17-years old. Rubio and Spain face their toughest test yet when they play Team USA Saturday at 10:15 a.m. ET.
" height="240" width="320">Spanish point guard Ricky Rubio brings a calming influence to his team -- despite being just 17-years old. Rubio and Spain face their toughest test yet when they play Team USA Saturday at 10:15 a.m. ET.
At the core of Spain's reigning World Championship basketball squad are seven former, current or future NBA players (Marc Gasol and Rudy Fernandez will join the league this season).
But when the team was getting rocked by China in a preliminary game last Tuesday, on the verge of suffering a huge upset, the player who righted them and turned the game around was a skinny 17-year-old making his national team debut.
That kid was point guard Ricky Rubio.
The 6-3 Rubio finished with only one point, but his quickness and defensive mindset turned the game around as he harassed the Chinese guards into several turnovers, picked the pockets of NBA players Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian and threw Pau Gasol a perfect lob for a powerful, momentum-changing dunk. Rubio's relentless pressure shook up the Chinese backcourt into losing their flow and confidence.
Afterwards, coach Aito Garcia Reneses -- who also coaches Rubio on DKJ Joventut -- shrugged off a question about why Rubio was on the court ahead of more experienced players.
"This 17-year-old kid is actually a very mature player and I don't see any problem putting him on the court in overtime, or in any crucial situation," Reneses said.
Indeed, in the third quarter, when Spain looked rattled by the huge, extremely loud crowd and on the verge of succumbing to China's momentum, it was Rubio who stayed cool and composed. His confidence, lack of hesitation and apparent unflappability are startling in a player so young.
"We were looking to pressure a lot and I was just focused on defense," Rubio said after the game, wearing flip-flops and a slight grin. "Everything flowed from that."
Rubio will face a formidable backcourt challenge when Spain takes on Team USA on Day 8. These Olympics may represent Rubio's debut to much of the world, but hoops heads have known about him for a while. His reputation exploded in the final of the 2006 FIBA U-16 Championships, where he torched Russia for 51 points, 24 rebounds, 12 assists and 7 steals. He played his first game for DKV Joventut in the demanding ACB League at age 14 and became a starter this year, his first full season.
Rubio will be eligible for the NBA Draft next year, but is signed to his current team through 2010 and resists all attempts to ask him about his future plans. "I will play in the ACB next year and I'm not thinking about two or three years down the road and whether or not I'll be in NBA or Europe," he insisted.
Lang Whitaker, executive editor of Slam Magazine, traveled to Barcelona in February 2007 to spend time with Rubio and his family, and came away impressed with both his support system and his basketball skills.
"It was pretty remarkable to see Ricky at 16 dominating against a bunch of men," said Whitaker. "While his shot could still use some improving, he has an innate sense of the game and he seems to understand that scoring isn't always the most important part of a play."
In that regard, Whitaker believe that Rubio's closest comparison is Magic Johnson, though early American press tends to compare him to "Pistol" Pete Maravich, the scoring machine who starred for the New Orleans Jazz 30 years ago.
"That is an almost purely physical connection - similar looks and body types -- because basketball-wise they are nothing alike," Whitaker said. "Maravich was a scorer first, while Ricky seems suited to being a distributor first and scorer second, though he's tall enough that he'll be able to score in the post against smaller guards once he gains some muscle."
For his part, Rubio is definitive about to whom he hopes to be compared:
"I play like Ricky Rubio."
Source from :
Posted by Anak Halal at 8/18/2008 11:28:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
National Basketball Association
The National Basketball Association (NBA) is North America's premier professional men's basketball league, composed of thirty teams from Canada and the USA. It is an active member of USA Basketball (USAB), which is recognized by the International Basketball Federation as the National Governing Body (NGB) for basketball in the United States. The NBA is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, which also includes the NHL, the NFL, and MLB.
The league was founded in New York City, on June 6, 1946 as the Basketball Association of America (BAA). The league adopted the name National Basketball Association in 1949 after merging with the rival National Basketball League. The league's several international as well as individual team offices are directed out of its head offices located in the Olympic Tower at 645 Fifth Avenue in New York City. NBA Entertainment and NBA TV studios are directed out of offices located in Secaucus, New Jersey.
Posted by Anak Halal at 8/16/2008 02:40:00 AM 0 comments
UConn's Thabeet not 'not your average 7-3 guy'
Hasheem Thabeet will be one of the best players in college basketball next season, writes Mike DeCourcy. |
To explain how far Hasheem Thabeet has traveled as a basketball player, you could start in Tanzania, the place of his birth. That would be intriguing, but it only conveys his long journey to play the game in a circumstance where he can learn, improve and test himself against the best competition among players his age.
You could go back to his first days as a freshman at Connecticut, when he'd run up and down the court like Asafa Powell but stumble around the lane like Will Ferrell. That would be entertaining, but it only suggests he once was fearful -- not that one day he might become fearsome.
No, the best place to go for an understanding of how profoundly Thabeet has improved is inside the mind of the point guard whose job it is to get him the basketball. A.J. Price ran the UConn offense last season, when the 7-3 Thabeet averaged 10.5 points and shot 60.3 percent from the floor as a sophomore center. Price says he frequently hesitated to throw an entry pass to Thabeet, even when he had perfect post-up position with a defender at his back and no double-team in sight.
Posted by Anak Halal at 8/16/2008 02:35:00 AM 0 comments
Michael Jordan goes for a slam dunk
Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five active players each try to score points against one another by propelling a ball through a 10 feet (3 m) high hoop (the goal) under organized rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world.
Points are scored by shooting the ball through the basket above; the team with more points at the end of the game wins. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it (dribbling) or passing it between teammates. Disruptive physical contact (fouls) is not permitted and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled (violations).
Through time, basketball has developed to involve common techniques of shooting, passing and dribbling, as well as players' positions, and offensive and defensive structures. Typically, the tallest members of a team will play center or one of two forward positions, while shorter players or those who possess the best ball handling skills and speed, play the guard positions. While competitive basketball is carefully regulated, numerous variations of basketball have developed for casual play. In some countries, basketball is also a popular spectator sport.
While competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport, played on a basketball court, less regulated variations have become exceedingly popular as an outdoor sport among both inner city and rural groups.
Posted by Anak Halal at 8/16/2008 02:31:00 AM 0 comments